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Dear readers,

Yesterday afternoon was a strange day. I don’t usually watch political rallies–I wait and watch the highlights and recaps in the evening news–but I had a nagging feeling telling me to watch Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. As I turned it on, I called a sister and my mother. “I have a weird feeling about this rally,” I told them, and urged them to watch it, too.

It was roughly six minutes into Trump’s speech and he was talking about illegal immigration. He had a Jumbotron beside the stage with statistics on the screen, and just as he turned his head to remark to the crowd, the bullet that would have gone into his brain, whizzed by his right ear, nicking him.

Of course, no one realized right away that the shooter had missed his target. I myself first thought Trump might be seriously hurt or even dead. Then I saw Secret Service surround him. He stood in the midst of them and raised his fist in defiance as SS led him to safety.

I believe God’s hand was in that moment, turning Trump’s head. Although one brave man was killed and two other attendees wounded, it could have been much worse.

Pray for the United States of America. God bless the USA.