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Hello, lovely readers,

It’s been a while since my last post. What a busy year 2024 has been so far!  When we got back from our last trip, I had four magazine article assignments waiting for me. But I got them all done.

Every time I get out of my proverbial “comfort zone,” I learn something new about myself and the world around me. The past month has been a prime example of this.

Recently I proposed writing a magazine article to a publication in which I’d always wanted my work to appear. To my surprise, they said “yes,” with a due date of May 15! They also sent me guidelines, which helped me craft the story.

This particular story was about the largest artificial-reef maker in the U.S., and how they went about deploying their up-to-36,000 pound reefs in the ocean. Writing it required that I go with the captain and crew on their 165-foot vessel, 45 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico. The waves were predicted to be only 2-3 feet, but deploying the reefs (using a crane on deck, of course), there was an occasional 6- or 8-footer.

Before heading out, I came very close to telling my editor that I didn’t want to do this. Something nudged me into going anyway; I faced any feelings of trepidation I had, went out with the crew (who were all perfect gentlemen) and wrote a detailed story about their work. It was accepted for publication within 24 hours of my clicking “send,” once I was back at my office computer.

What if I hadn’t nudged myself into going, despite self-doubts? I guess you could say I just decided to ignore the inner voice that whispered You can’t. You shouldn’t.

Please let me know what instances you’ve had, of facing down your own fears and self-doubts. What was the result? Didn’t you feel a surge of newfound self-confidence and joy in having overcome any negative thoughts?

Thanks for reading! And keep on writing.