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Hello, readers!

We recently got back from being on the water. We shared a small vessel for 21 days, and not one cross word! That’s miraculous.

One day, we took the boat from the east coast of Florida to the western Bahamas. During the crossing, we found ourselves in treacherous, 6-7 foot seas, with high, strong winds. The forecasters had said we’d have 1-2 foot seas, but no!

I felt the power of water as I watched the waves roll and pitch our boat, which suddenly felt very small, out there alone in the raging Gulf Stream. I also felt the power of God, out there on the water. I knew He was in charge and thought of how Jesus calmed the stormy seas (was that the Sea of Galilee?). As I thought about this, a strange sense of calm filled me, and I wasn’t afraid.

After about three hours, the waters did calm and the wind died down. Neither of us ever got sea-sick (we never have, anyway, but this was a good test).

Just thought I’d share what turned out to be one amazing day. Email me and let me know about one of YOUR amazing days!