September 30, 2024

Helping Those Impacted by Hurricane Helene

Hello, readers, I know most if not all of you are watching the weather-related drama unfold in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Florida. Besides praying for those millions of people,…
July 14, 2024

The Hand of God Was in What Happened Yesterday, Saving Trump

Dear readers, Yesterday afternoon was a strange day. I don't usually watch political rallies--I wait and watch the highlights and recaps in the evening news--but I had a nagging feeling…
May 16, 2024

Getting out of your “comfort zone”

Hello, lovely readers, It's been a while since my last post. What a busy year 2024 has been so far!  When we got back from our last trip, I had…
January 30, 2024

The Power of Water

Hello, readers! We recently got back from being on the water. We shared a small vessel for 21 days, and not one cross word! That's miraculous. One day, we took…
December 21, 2023

The Shortest Day of the Year

Hello there, readers! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas (or, for my Jewish family members, a great Hanukkah) and a wonderful New Year. Today is one of my favorite…
October 16, 2023

Two 9-11s

Hello, readers, It's been a long time since last I posted, but the world has "been on fire" even worse than the last time I posted. The annual remembrance of…
August 7, 2023

The World on Fire: Seeking Serenity

Hello readers, Oh my goodness! I owe you all a huge apology. It's been TOO long since I wrote anything for you--several MONTHS. I could tell you all the craziness…
January 5, 2023

The Tenacity and Fragility of Life

Hello readers, And Happy New Year! I am one of those who has decided to stay "resolution-free" this year. If anything, I have promised myself to be kinder to others…
December 9, 2022

Valuing Your Time and A Christmas Story

Hello, readers, It's amazing that it's already the Christmas season! It's also amazing to me is that it's taken me this long to write another blog. But if you're really…
July 4, 2022

My Fourth of July gift to you: The Story Behind “The Star-Spangled Banner”

Hey readers! For those of you who are proud to be a United States citizen, with you I celebrate the anniversary of our declaring our independence from England and the…
March 30, 2022

The New Cookbook and a story about Rick Bragg

Hello, readers, This is my first post in quite a while and I apologize. I've edited 30+ magazine articles, written 12 more articles myself, and finished writing my cookbook! Anyway,…
November 29, 2021

Love, Only Wounded: Cherishing Those You Love

Hello readers, For those of you who hail from the United States, you're just back to work from the Thanksgiving Holiday. As a nation, we give thanks for our many…
September 11, 2021

Remembering 9/11 and Our Most Modern Heroes, too

Hello readers, On this day 20 years ago, it seems everyone has a story about where they were when they first heard the news. Here's mine, in brief: I was…
April 18, 2021

Truth in Journalism?

Hello, readers, What a beautiful spring we've had! Here in coastal Alabama, red-buds have burst forth, azaleas are blooming in profusion, and our irises are showing off their colors. Too…
March 20, 2021

The Possibilities for You TODAY

Hello readers, Happy first day of Spring! If ever there's a time for a renewed feeling of hopefulness, to me anyway, it's in the Spring. In the Spring, possibilities seem…
February 16, 2021

Words to LIVE By

Hello, readers, and I noticed last week I have some new readers in Poland! That place has been on my bucket list! Thanks for stopping in to check out my…
January 3, 2021

A New Year and New Hopes

Hey readers, It's Sunday night, the 3rd of January, and I've been letting 2021 "sink in" for a few days. If you're like me, you've seen your share of challenging…
October 20, 2020

The Pandemic and How It Has Changed Lives

Hello readers, It has been a long time since I have posted a blog, and I am SO happy to be able to do so now! If you're like me,…
May 25, 2020

The Pandemic, An Easter Miracle and a Memorial Day Tribute

Hello, dear readers, What a CRAZY nine weeks it has been! Since I'm not only an author but also teach high school English, I have been working 7-10 hours a…
March 29, 2020

What to Do During the Pandemic

Hello dear readers, For the past week and a half, I've been in a kind of mental "funk" (ESL readers: this is American slang for "depression"). I've finally managed to…
January 18, 2020

Ten Ways to Have a Perfect Wedding

Hello readers, And--finally--Happy New Year! I apologize for it taking so long to post another blog, but life has a way of getting in the way, as all of you…
November 28, 2019

Giving Thanks

Dear Readers, First of all, a big thank-you for keeping back to my website! I am thankful for all of you. As I write this, I’ve got two Satsuma meringue…
September 1, 2019

Prayers for the People of the Abacos

Hello readers, It's been so hard for me to write today...not that I'm blocked, but watching Hurricane Dorian tear apart my beloved Abaco Islands is heartbreaking. My family has owned…
July 3, 2019

The Advisor – Amazing Alabama

Click Here to view Amazing Alabama write-up in "The Advisor".
May 31, 2019


Hello dear readers, Whew! What a spring we've had! Since I posted last (upon my friend W.E.B. Griffin's passing away), we've had tons of company, done some home repairs and…
February 17, 2019

On the Death of a Friend

Hello readers, Thanks for stopping back in! I know I promised you the blog, "How NOT to Write a Book," but a few days ago, a writer-friend of mine died…
February 17, 2019

How NOT to Write a Book

Hello, readers, I just posted the blog about the death of a writer-friend. There's no time like the present, so here goes with my long-promised blog! Nearly four years ago,…
January 27, 2019

The Old Man and the C

Hello readers, I actually wrote this a couple of weeks ago but for some reason it deleted itself (it was probably my error). Anyway, here's a re-post. My brother was…
November 24, 2018

It should be a YEAR of Thanksgiving rather than a day

Dear Readers, First of all, a big thank-you for keeping back to my website! I am thankful for all of you. As I write this, I’ve got two Satsuma meringue…
August 26, 2018

In Honor of Mollie Tibbetts and all Other Victims of People Who are here ILLEGALLY

Hello readers, it seems only a few days ago that we learned of Mollie Tibbett's death. She had been missing for more than a month and, a day after the…
July 29, 2018

A Free Ebook

Hello dear readers! This is a short blog as I'm on deadline for my next book--but are YOU in for  treat! My latest book, YOU 101, is available on Amazon…
July 5, 2018

Happy Fourth of July

Hello readers, Technology is wonderful when it works! I wrote and posted two blogs in June and they have disappeared! Anyway, here's the first one for July! If you're an…
May 13, 2018

To All the Mothers Out There and Good Morning America

Hello, readers! My apologies to my faithful readers--I haven't posted anything in more than a month! But, please know, I HAVE been working. I've just published my teen self-help book,…
March 11, 2018

What Lies Beneath

Hello dear readers, How much I have enjoyed reading your wonderful comments--please continue to send me messages! They keep me going and trying to send you the best blogs! At…
January 28, 2018

Becoming Diamonds and Pearls

Hello again, dear and faithful readers! For those of you perhaps wondering what's been the delay in my posting a new blog, it's that I'm teaching full-time AND working on…